Monday, 1 January 2018

Da-Poet - "For the Lord"

What can we do for the Lord, where does your loyalty stand? As Joshua said “as for me and my house, we will serve the lord”. “For The Lord” is not about working for the Lord, but working with God. We can only do this by His sufficient Grace.

Da-Poet reiterates this phrase continuously on the track like a newborn man, free from the elements and vices of this world, of course he’s been saved ‘ for the Lord’ by the Lord. A man who has been given a mandate, found a new flame, fired up like an engine ready for a drag race. The phrase seamlessly registers on the subconscious mind of the listener, posing it synchronously as a question, “what can I do for the Lord”.

Poet, known for his dynamics on the mic and his effervescent flow, delivers this piece with bull’s eye precision, hitting the listener like a wrecking ball about the subject matter. After what seemed to be a hiatus in his career, he transcends his old style, this time booming with confidence, he just hatched out of his shell. The message is pure, sublime and exquisite, there’s no shadow of doubting its message. You can’t question its efficacy. It leaves you wanting more. He has dropped a seed in the mind of the listener, and he’s coming back to water it.

You can’t but anticipate what he has next on his sleeves. A virtuoso in his art, For The Lord.

DOWNLOAD MP3: Da-Poet - "For the Lord"